Cam was always very passionate about the global water crisis, arts programming and ending gun violence. During his life, he valued his community and sought ways to help, big and small. Here at TCBF we aim to continue his passion for lending a hand, wherever it is needed. These are causes Cameron was proud to support, and so are we.
Cameron developed Wielding Peace – a social media campaign to help reduce gun violence using the power of photography to show celebrities, gun violence survivors, and gun control supporters “wielding” something peaceful. TCBF continues to support this campaign. For regular updates, follow @WieldingPeace on Instagram. TCBF also partners with organizations working to end gun violence such as the Gifford’s organization to raise awareness around the urgency of saving lives.
Cameron found joy though the arts and TCBF encourages young people to find a creative outlet with which to express themselves. TCBF will promote this concept through partnerships with arts organizations that give young people access to arts programs including dancing, music, photography and the visual arts. Current programs supported by TCBF are Inner City Arts and Guitars over Guns.
Cameron was passionate about ensuring people around the globe have access to clean water. We continue to support the Thirst Project by funding freshwater wells which increase access to clean water around the world.