
Welcome to our Resources Hub! Here you’ll find a collection of downloadable and shareable resources about all things epilepsy. Start with the Education section and then check out our Support Toolkit to see what resources might help you along the way!

Graphic of books stacked.


If you or someone you know has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy you might be asking yourself, “Now what?” Here at TCBF, we believe the best first step is to educate yourself! Below you can click through our educational resources to get an idea of the questions you should be asking, support options that might work for you, and find informational posters you can use for the classroom or office.
What Now FAQ Graphic, link to document.What Now Myths and Facts graphic, link to document.What Now What is SUDEP graphic, link to document.What Now Questions for Doctor graphic, link to document.What Now SUDEP Questions graphic, link to document.What Now First Aid graphic, link to document.What Now First Aid Youth graphic, link to document.What Now Service Dogs graphic, link to document.What Now Health Disparities graphic, link to document.What Now Educational Posters graphic, link to document.

Support Toolkit

As you continue to educate yourself and others about epilepsy, it’s also important to find the support you need to help you through the everyday challenges. Whether you’re struggling to tell someone about your diagnosis or need a template to help track your seizures, we got you!
What Now College Survival Guide graphic, link to document.What Now Action Plan graphic, link to document.What Now Financial Resources graphic, link to document.What Now Friends and Family Letter graphic, link to document.What Now Seizure Diary graphic, link to document.What Now Epilepsy Apps graphic, link to document.What Now Festival Toolkit graphic, link to document.


Introducing the newest addition to our Resources Hub: “The Now What Podcast, Young Adults & Epilepsy.” Where each episode Karan and Sophie chat with experts on topics from dating and college, to diet and normalizing epilepsy. There’s so much to cover and no topic is off limits!

This podcast wouldn’t be possible without our amazing sponsor UCB. Available on Apple, Spotify and YouTube.

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Listen on Apple Podcast
Youtube logo.
Listen on Youtube
Spotify logo.
Listen on Spotify
Graphic with a brain and a microphone.

Before You Go…

Our Resource Hub is always growing, so don’t forget to check back in for updates. In the meantime, follow us on Instagram & Tik-Tok to stay in the conversation and join our Facebook Support groups below to connect with others in our community.
Have an idea for a resource? Let us know!
Graphic: What is a level 4 center? “A level 4 center provides the more complex forms of intensive neurodiagnostic monitoring, as well as more extensive medical, neuropsychological, and psychosocial treatment. Level 4 centers also offer a complete evaluation for epilepsy surgery”
“We all go. What you leave should be bigger than you.”